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90 minutes online coaching

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For years, DONMs have been asking me if I did one-to-one work, and I said no. I explained how I wasn’t qualified in counselling, that I’m just an ordinary fellow-DONM. I didn’t think I had any value to offer.

But people kept asking me would I speak with them one-to-one, and saying that my experience and perspective were my qualifications.

And so, I have been inspired to offer this service to those who would like it. 

During this call you would get:

  • Understanding: this may be the most important one. I understand what it’s like being raised by a narcissist, and you do not need to explain or convince me as you might have had to do with conventional therapists.
  • Validation: Again, unlike some other therapists, I will totally get what you have been through and I won’t dismiss it with platitudes about all mothers being annoying, or assuring you that she really loves you.
  • Compassion: I think all DONMs need full and genuine compassion.
  • A listening ear: Someone to really hear you.
  • Perspective: To explain events to you in light of the narcissism so that you understand them better and they begin to make sense.
  • Non-directive advice: By non-directive advice I mean I can give you alternative strategies you might not have thought about. But I am very clear that I do not push anybody in any direction. The two essential things are 1) figuring out what you want, and 2) having clear information about possibilities.

This coaching differs from therapy in that it isn't about fixing you. It recognises that you are not the problem, rather that the situation with your mother, and the fallout of that, is the problem, and that's what we'll be working on.

You can purchase a coaching session by using the Add To Cart button. You'll then be sent a PDF with instructions on how to book your session.

OR To choose your booking time before paying, just click this link and complete the order that way.
